Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Herb (Organic) Seeds – Parsley Italian Giant

Vigorous aromatic plant with large bright green leaves which are bigger than the French type. Quite hardy remaining productive into winter.

Leaf Salad (Organic) Seeds – Mustard Green Wave

Lime green, ruffled leaves add contrast to salads. Spicy flavour that mellows when cooked. High yielding and slow to bolt.

Lettuce (Organic) Seeds – Relay

Batavia lettuces are highly valued for their flavour, texture and drought resistance. They have the crispness of the iceberg with the open growth habit of the butterhead. Fast-growing, it has succulent brilliant red leaves forming medium-sized, tightly packed heads. Resistant to downy mildew.

Lettuce (Organic) Seeds – Little Gem

A quick maturing semi-cos lettuce. The crisp leaves have a delicious sweet flavour. Sow in the open in spring and summer and in the early autumn for winter use under cloches. Compact plants can be spaced 15cm apart. Resistant to root aphid. 440 seeds.

Leek (Organic) Seeds – Bandit

A ‘blue-green winter’ variety. Performs well in bad and cold weather. Tasty, medium long white stems. High yielding and uniform. Resistant to bolting. Harvest November-December.

Leaf Salad (Organic) Seeds – Mizuna

Gives a slight mustard flavour to stir fry and salads. Sow May-mid September.

Kohlrabi (Organic) Seeds – Noriko

White globe shape. Hardy and quick growing with excellent bolt and splitting resistance. Good texture and flavour.

Kale (Organic) Seeds – Red Curled

Large, deep red coloured, tightly curled leaves. Slightly slower growing than green types.

Kale (Organic) Seeds – Nero Di Toscano

Long, dark green leaves to cut from late summer to early spring. Pretty hardy. Tasty steamed or stir-fried. Young leaves can also be used in salads.

Broccoli Calabrese (Organic) Seeds – Belstar F1

Belstar is a delicious early variety for harvest from July. It’s large and distinctive domed heads can weigh 400-500g. After harvesting the central head, you can cut subsequent side shoots for an extra nutritious crop. Hailed as a superfood, Belstar is high in vitamins A & C and a good source of iron. Moderate mildew

Herb (Organic) Seeds – Basil Genovese

The most popular basil, with large, fleshy leaves and classic strong flavour. Prefers a warm, dry spot.

Tomato (Organic) Seeds – Koralik F1

Tomato (Organic) Seeds – Koralik F1 A delicious tomato with great colouring and resistance to blight. The Tomato Koralik F1 is a fantastic tomato variety. An ultra-early ripening bush variety that has excellent resistance to blight! The great thing about the Tomato Koralik F1 variety is its consistently high yield, meaning you can enjoy even

Cauliflower (Organic) Seeds – F1 Medallion

The first variety to mature in the new year, maturing in late February-March. Firm, beautiful white curds, with good cold tolerance.

Tomato (Organic) Seeds – Gardener’s Delight

Gardener’s Delight Gardener’s Delight produces long trusses of small cherry-type fruit with outstanding flavour. These delicious organic tomatoes are ideal for salads, and an exceptional cropper outdoors or under glass. With over 15 million organic gardeners in the UK and the number growing year on year, we’re keen to support growers produce the varieties they

Broad Bean (Organic) Seeds – Super Aguadulce

Superb long pods with 8-9 good flavoured beans in each. These are compact plants, perfect for anyone with limited space. Aguadulce is the hardiest variety for autumn or early spring sowing. Broad beans are a nutritious and valuable source of protein. Bacteria in their roots take up nitrogen from the air, which feeds the plants.

Squash & Pumpkin (Organic) Seeds – Sweet Dumpling

White squash with dark green stripes and deep ribs, up to 300g and 12cm diameter. Sweet, orange flesh. Trailing.

Beetroot (Organic) Seeds – Barabietola Di Chioggia

Old traditional Italian beetroot. Rosy pink skin, flesh white with concentric pink circles. Can be grated raw but is tastier cooked.

Squash (Organic) Seeds – Butternut

Creamy flesh (similar to that of the avocado), with a strong, pleasant taste, ideal for making soup: simply puree the cooked flesh in a mixer and add tomato sauce, butter and salt. Stores well.

Radish (Organic) Seeds – Mixed

Radish (Organic) Seeds – Mixed A superb mixture of some of the best varieties of Radishes This mixed packet of radish seed is made up of a selection of the French Breakfast, Sparkly and Scarlet Globe varieties. This means that whilst you’re growing these delicious radishes you’ll have a completely varied harvest just from a

Clematis Pistachio

Clematis Pistachio – Clematis plant This Old man’s beard is a stunning climber that will enhance any garden. It grows to a height of 300cm (10′) and spreads to around 100cm (3′). Suitable for growing through other mature hedges and shrubs, this Clematis enjoys twirling along wires, growing up fences and along a trellis. Clematis