Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Cleome hassleriana ‘Helen Campbell’

Creates a bushy screen or adds height and interest to bedding displays. Her attractive, spiralling, scented sprays of flowers are sure to entice admiring glances

Knautia macedonica

One of the finest perennials for the border we have seen. It has a very long season of flowering lasting well into the autumn and early winter. The dense, double, pin cushion scabious like flowers are a brilliantly strong cherry red, a rare colour in border flowers. Makes a large, neat, rounded bushy plant producing

Crepis rubra ‘Snow White’

Delicate pure white blooms, making an attractive companion for her pink sister. Easy to grow in sunny borders. Height: 30-40cm (12-16in)

Godetia ‘Fruit Punch Mixed’

A superb quality mix which outshines many of the more expensive F1 hybrid types. Dwarf and compact, uniform plants with early blooms in a sumptuous colour range, embracing bicolours as well as pastel tones. Brilliant for borders, bedding and containers. Height: 25-30cm (10-12 in)

Zinnia elegans ‘Candy Mixed’

Excellent quality, scabious-flowered zinnia in a wide range of vivid colours including reds, pinks and oranges. Zinnia elegans Candy Cane Mixed will flowers freely all summer. Ideal for cutting and will attract beneficial insects and butterflies to the garden

Ageratum houstonianum ‘Blue Danube’ F1 Hybrid

A large-flowered, vigorous variety of annual ageratum with powder-puff flower heads of soft, lavender blue. The fluffy, weather resistant blooms are particularly attractive to butterflies. With a dense, compact habit, Ageratum houstonianum ‘Blue Danube’ is perfect for adding texture and colour to bedding, borders and containers. Height: 20cm (8). Spread: 25cm (10)

Antirrhinum majus nanum ‘Rembrandt’

Attractive, free-flowering, bushy plants with stunning bicoloured blooms in vibrant orange and golden yellow. Will paint your borders and containers with colour all summer

Arctotis ‘T&M Hybrids’

Shades of cream, yellow, orange, red, crimson and purple. Beautiful for the border where the flowers are produced in profusion throughout the summer, and excellent for cuttingSilvery/green finely cut foliage. Flowers mid summer to frost

Bonsai Trees (Mixed)

A carefully chosen blend of conifer and deciduous trees to help you produce a wide range of Bonsai styles. Fascinating, rewarding subjects and some real gems. Illustation showing 2 types

Calendula officinalis

Single golden-orange blooms radiate their colour in beds and borders. These fast growing hardy annuals can be sown in drifts for a spectacular display. The daisy-like flowers are excellent for cutting and can also be added to salads as an edible flower. Quick and easy to grow, Calendula copes in almost any garden situation, and

Aster ‘Duchess Mixed’

Wonderful flowers – like incurved chrysanthemums

Cabbage ‘Dutchman’ (Summer)

A deep red ‘baby pointed’ cabbage for autumn/winter cutting. It has a mild, sweet taste, ideally suited for shredding raw for autumn and winter salads, or used as a cooked vegetable.

Aster ‘Pompon Splendid Mixed’

Distinctive close-knit 5-6cm (2-2 1/2in) blooms in possibly the best colour range. Very weather proof and long-lasting cut flower. Height: 38-45cm (15-18in)

Leek ‘Below-Zero’ F1 Hybrid

British breeding has combined the vigour of an F1 Hybrid with extreme cold tolerance to produce quality leeks which will withstand the harshest of weathers. Dark leaves, pure white stems with no bulbing, long standing ability and bolting and rust tolerant. Lift fresh superb quality stems from Christmas to May

Celosia argentea var. cristata ‘Century Mixed’

All America Selections Bronze Medal winner for 1985. Extremely large flowers often 12in long, produced in abundance. Colours are scarlet, yellow, cream, rose and deep red. Attractive and unusual pot plants also suitable for bedding in a warm sunny sheltered border. They are very uniform and make good cut flowers. Flowers late summer. Height: 60cm

Cabbage ‘Tourmaline’ (Winter Savoy)

Cut Tourmaline throughout the winter and into spring thanks to its excellent cold weather tolerance. Replacing the ever-popular but now discontinued Tarvoy, this attractive, deeply savoyed, dark green cabbage produces compact, delicious heads. Plants also show a high resistance to xanthemonas (black rot)

Cornflower ‘Frosted Queen’

A delightful change to the common blue cornflower. These richly coloured flowers glisten in the sunshine, for each of the tiny petals of the very double, powder-puff blooms, is tipped with ice white. Annual Cornflower ‘Frosted Queen’ is perfect for filling gaps in summer borders where it will attract bees and butterflies. With its tall

Melon ‘Outdoor Wonder’ F1 Hybrid

True to its name, Melon ‘Outdoor Wonder’ is ideal for growing outdoors through black plastic or under cloches. This Galia type reliably produces pale green fleshed melons even in less than perfect British summers, and has good mildew resistance too. The tennis ball sized fruits are the perfect size for a one person serving! Height

Celosia argentea var. cristata ‘Fresh Look Red & Yellow’

These ideal partners will add a refreshing flow to your summer bedding displays or containers. Traditionally used as a pot plant, new breeding has turned Celosia Fresh Look into an outstanding garden performer, flowering non-stop all summer long

Turnip ‘Sweetbell’ F1 Hybrid

Turning the idea of the traditionally dull root vegetable on its head, here’s a truly outstanding tasting ‘salad turnip’! The attractive purple-topped roots have a succulent white flesh and are delicious cooked or simply grated raw in salads. There’s no bitter aftertaste however you eat it. And you can eat the leaves too as they