Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Elaeagnus x ebbingei ‘Eleador’

Suitable as a hedging plant as it is evergreen, fully hardy, has a dense structure, tolerates virtually all soils and can be trimmed to any height and width to 4m (12?) to keep its shape. Elaeagnus dislike very shallow chalky soils and can show chlorosis. Performs best in full sun but will grow in dappled

Cortaderia selloana ‘Gold Minipampas’

Fully hardy evergreen perennial. Compact in habit so could be grown in a large patio container in full sun, or as garden plant in well drained, fertile soil in full sun. A tussock of stiff, flat, narrowly linear yellow -green leaves . White flowers are produced from August to October. Protect crowns of young plants

Daphne x transatlantica ‘Pink Fragrance’

Non-stop blooms from April to October make Daphne x transatlantica ‘Pink Fragrance’ unbeatable for flowers and fragrance. This unusual semi-evergreen Daphne flowers on new growth, so they just keep coming! With a compact, slow growth habit its dusky pink blooms perfume the air with an intensely sweet fragrance. This elegant shrub is perfect for planting

Cortaderia selloana ‘Minipampas’

Fully hardy evergreen perennial. Compact in habit so could be grown in a large patio container in full sun, or as garden plant in well drained, fertile soil in full sun. A tussock of stiff, flat, narrowly linear yellow -green leaves . White flowers are produced from August to October. Protect crowns of young plants

Ceanothus ‘Puget Blue’

A well known variety of Californian Lilac that has earned itself a coveted RHS AGM. Ceanothus ‘Puget Blue’ produces conical, deep blue flower heads, smothering the foliage to create a stunning, hazy effect from May to June.

Campsis radicans ‘Flamenco’

Berberis trigona ‘Orange King’

Hardy, shiny leaved evergreen shrub with arching shoots. Clusters of orange flowers in spring, followed by blue-black 1cm (1/2) fruits in autumn. Vigorous bushy habit so needs space. Grow in any well drained soil in sun or partial shade. Height: 2.5m (8?). Spread: 2.5m (8?).

Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘Fastigiata’

Coniferous small tree with erect branches and yew shaped leaves. Known as ?plum yew? due to its leaf shape and the fruits from the female tree are plum shaped 3cm (1 ¼ ??) green fleshy small fruit surrounding a single hard seed. If fruits are desired then a male pollinator plant will need to be

Clematis montana var. rubens ‘Tetrarose’

A very quick growing, vigorous, handsome deciduous climber. Bronze tinted , toothed foliage and pink flowers with a central boss of yellow anthers 9cm ( 3 ½ ??)across. The flowers have a wonderful almond scent during late spring and early summer. Ideal for clothing a large tree or building, wall, or North facing site. Grows

Cornus controversa ‘Pagoda’

An outstanding, specimen deciduous tree with spreading tiered branches for a larger garden or woodland garden as it needs space. The glossy leaves are dark green above and glaucous beneath during the summer turning to a rich red- purple during the autumn. Large cymes (umbels) of fragrant small star shaped white flowers appear in early

Cornus controversa ‘Variegata’

A jaw dropping focal point for a medium sized garden. Its common name of The Wedding Cake Tree is deserved. Its distinctive horizontal tiered branches when in full leaf and flower is a sight to behold. It takes a few years to attain its full potential. The long, green leaves with bold creamy white margins

Clematis florida ‘Taiga’

The name will make you think ?tiger?, but the blowsy double blooms shout lion?s mane! Clematis ?Taiga? is a real show off climber, producing countless blooms right through summer over a canvas of rich green foliage. Great for covering walls and fencing, this unusual clematis also suits patio container growing. It also looks great planted

Geranium ‘Jackpot’ Collection

We’ve hand selected some of our favourite colours from our customer favourite Geranium ‘Jackpot Mixed’ to bring you this new and exciting collection. Geranium ‘Jackpot’ Collection produce masses of colourful single blooms on neat compact plants. Perfect for filling beds, borders and patio containers. These weather tolerant pelargoniums have more than enough vigour to ensure

Acer japonicum ‘Aconitifolium’

Visually stunning autumn colour, the green toothed leaves during spring and summer turn to stunning shades of red. This slow growing hardy deciduous tree or shrub is ideal for both a sunny or partially shaded site, the red leaves being more intense in a partially shaded position. In spring clusters of purple red flowers appear.

Acer palmatum ‘Dissectum’

A compact Acer ideal for a container as a highlight on a patio or courtyard , or as a focal point by a water feature. This slow growing hardy shrub forms a mound of very finely cut feathery green leaves which turn a spectacular gold in the autumn. Height: 2m (6?). Spread: 3m (9?).

Vitex agnus-castus ‘Delta Blues’

Often mistaken for a buddleja, but Vitex is far more refined. This stunning deciduous shrub is cloaked in palmate, grey-green foliage which is gently aromatic. Vitex agnus-castus ‘Delta Blues’ produces branching sprays of dark purple-blue, fragrant flowers at the stem tips in autumn which prove highly attractive to butterflies and insects.

Achillea ‘Rainbow Ending Blue’

A hardy herbaceous perennial ideal for cutting and as a dried flower. Grey ? green, aromatic fern like leaves and stems of pink flowers throughout the summer. Quite a stately plant but best planted in a group in moist but well drained soil in full sun. Dislikes shady, wet areas. Height: 50cm (20??). Spread: 40cm

Aesculus parviflora

Member of the ?horse chestnut? family but much more dwarf in habit as a deciduous shrub/ small tree, but does need space. Hardy, deciduous with palmate bronze leaves turning green and finally to yellow in autumn. Upright, white flowers with prominent stamens up to 30cm (12??) tall during the summer, followed by smooth skinned fruits.

Agapanthus ‘Golden Drop’

Unique golden edged leaved agapanthus introduced at the 2012 Chelsea Flower Show. Also one of the few compact varieties, the lovely pale blue flowers which appear in May to June suitable for cutting and are followed by decorative seed heads. Suitable as an individual container plant or planted as a group in the border. Prefers

Sarcococca hookeriana ‘Winter Gem’