Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

English Bluebells

A sea of English bluebells rekindles memories of springtime woodland walks, when the days start to lengthen and the weather warms up. The nodding, violet-blue flowers of these hardy, native bulbs attract insects to their delicately scented flowers. At their happiest when growing in the dappled shade of deciduous trees, English bluebells are ideal for

Tulip ‘Red Impression’

Spectacularly large and long-lasting blooms on tall, sturdy stems make this tulip a border sensation! Easy to grow, with superb weather resistance, they will return reliably year after year. Tulip ‘Red Impression’ looks fantastic planted in large groups where you can marvel at their bold colours and shapely blooms. Tulip flowers are excellent for cutting

Iris Tiger Mixed

Uniquely coloured dutch iris mix. These hardy, low maintenance bulbs, are ideal for cutting.

Narcissus bulbocodium ‘Golden Bells’

It’s easy to see why this narcissus is commonly called the Hoop Petticoat Daffodil! The enlarged, golden trumpets of this vigorous variety create a distinctive display with excellent weather resistance. For a dramatic spring spectacle, grow them in bold drifts naturalised in grass, where their delicate blooms will be a harbinger of spring for years

Narcissus ‘Rainbow Butterflies Mixed’

Split corona daffodils don’t sound particularly exciting, but they really are! It means that the front set of petals is serrated and pleated which gives the blooms a totally different look. This mix offers all the lovely colours that daffodils come in!

Narcissus ‘Decoy Red’

These flowers will take your breath away. The orange-red centres are all the more striking thanks to the crystal white petals that back them. This very popular daffodil has been bred on in just 20 years from just one bulb

Narcissus ‘White Diamonds Mixture’

A refreshing antidote to traditional bright yellows in the spring garden. Extra special, pure white collection of daffodils, in every shape and size, and including some rarities too

Iris ‘Dutch Mixed’

Rainbow-coloured flowers, ideal for borders, but also very popular as cut flowers. Long lasting. Bulb size 6/7.

Narcissus ‘Miniature Mixed’

This sunny mix of dwarf narcissus are compact and free flowering – Perfectly proportioned for even the smallest of gardens! Undemanding and easy to grow, they are ideal for borders, rockeries, and containers for a sunny windowsill; or grow them in bold drifts naturalised in grass. The neat trumpets in all shades of yellow make

Narcissus ‘Sweet Aroma Mixed’

You’ll want it to be spring all year once you breathe in the scent of this exclusive daffodil selection, aptly named Narcissus ‘Sweet Aroma’. This special blend contains small-flowered dwarfs, glorious large-cupped golden blooms, and plenty of bicolours and doubles thrown in for good measure! Enjoy their blooms for up to ten weeks or cut

Narcissus ‘Rose of May’

Delight your senses with this compact, late-blooming daffodil. This distinctively different variety produces fully double whorls of ivory white petals that resemble gardenias, and exude a most delicious fragrance. For a dramatic spring spectacle, grow Daffodil ‘Rose of May’ in bold drifts naturalised in grass. Narcissus flowers are also excellent for cutting for a lovely

Hyacinth ‘Midnight Mystic’

Rare and highly sought after, this is the first and original breakthroughblack hyacinth! Available again due to popular demand – you won’t find this variety for sale anywhere else! Launched to a frenzy of interest at the Chelsea Flower Show in 2005, Hyacinth ‘Midnight Mystic’ was soon completely sold out. Try it in contemporary silver

Winter Aconite

This woodland member of the buttercup family will swiftly multiply to form a glowing carpet of golden yellow flowers each spring. The cup shaped blooms of the winter aconite attract pollinating insects to your spring garden, and associate beautifully with snowdrops and bluebells for a spectacular woodland display. Easy to establish and virtually maintenance free,

Russian Snowdrop

Intriguing star shaped flowers, with delicate pale petals, striped with deep blue. These hardy Russian snowdrops make a stunning alternative to traditional spring bulbs. Resilient Puschkinia bulbs will grow in almost any well drained soil, and enjoy hot summers when their bulbs can bake in the sun. Grow them in borders and rockeries, or naturalise

Hellebore Collection

Grow one of the UK’s favourite winter-flowering plants; each flower bursting with glorious colour; easy to grow and frost hardy. And they’ll last for 20 years! Hellebores are the essential plant for any difficult, shady border where they will shine out brightly, adding much-needed colour to your garden during the dull winter months. Plants are

Allium ‘Big Impact Mixed’

Add height and structure to your borders with these superb summer-flowering bulbs. Undemanding and easy to grow, Allium ‘Big Impact Mixed’ will give you a wonderful assortment of flower shapes, sizes and colours that are superb for cut flower displays. Don’t forget that their attractive and architectural seed heads will also add autumnal interest later

Iris ‘Re-Blooming Collection’

A selection of hardy, drought, disease and insect resistant iris. Spring flowering with a second flush in autumn. These majestic, tall bearded iris flowers have a delicate scent and make impressive cut flowers for a vase indoors

Glory of the Snow ‘Mixed’

Some of the first bulbs to flower in spring, they’ll create a dazzling carpet of daintly little stars. Bulb size 4/5.

Crocus ‘Bicolour Collection’

Everyone knows and loves crocus – a staple of the spring garden and a sure sign that a new season is on its way. But did you know there were so many different varieties? Here’s a special collection of two-toned and coloursplashed flowers which would be hard to find in your local garden centre or

Hyacinth ‘Berries and Cream Mixture’ – Dutch Gardens

Last spring, in Holland’s Keukenhof public gardens, we were wowed by a gorgeous bed of mixed hyacinths. Instead of the usual blues and purples, it was a harmonious blend of rose, violet, pink and pale lavender. We’ve re-created this stunning combination, so you can enjoy the same berry-bright colours and heady fragrance in your own