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Gage ‘Reine Claude de Bavay’
Gage ‘Reine Claude de Bavay’ is the variety most widely found in supermarkets. The fruits turn to yellow-green when fully ripe in early September. They have a typical Gage flavour which is at its best when fruits are left to ripen on the tree.
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Pear ‘Williams’ Bon Chretien’
Bean (Runner) Seeds – Snowstorm
Plum ‘Herman’
Fig Plant (Organic) – Peretta
Annual Early Flowering Mixed
Apple ‘Blenheim Orange’ (MM106 Rootstock)
Gage ‘Oullins Golden’
Salad Leaves Seeds – Mild and Sweet
Apple ‘Discovery’ (MM106 Rootstock)
Sweet Potato ‘Beauregard Improved’
Mushroom Windowsill Kit – King Oyster
Greengage Reine Claude
Plum ‘Miraclaude’
Plum Duo-plum Patio Standard
Plum ‘Guinevere’
Rhubarb Sanvitos Early
Bean (Runner) Seeds – Armstrong
Rhubarb ‘Thompson’s Terrifically Tasty’ (Spring/Autumn Planting)
Potato ‘Anya’
Brussels Sprout ‘Bedford Fillbasket’
Cabbage ‘Greyhound’ (Summer/Autumn )
Sweetcorn ‘Early Xtra Sweet’ F1 Hybrid
Cabbage ‘Durham Early’ (Spring)
Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Frisia’
Chilli Pepper ‘Tabasco’ (Very Hot)
Pepper Jolly Il ‘Carnoso Da Arrostire’
Gage’ Stella`s Star’
Gage ‘Old Greengage’
Strawberry ‘Anais’ (Everbearer/ All Season)
Apple ‘Gala’ (M9 Rootstock)
Peach ‘Stark Saturn’
Strawberry Plants – Marshmello
Tomato ‘Tigerella’
Tomato Plants – Marmande
Plum ‘Opal’
Tomato ‘Solena Red’ F1 Hybrid
Strawberry ‘Buddy’ (Everbearer/ All Season)
Strawberry ‘Cherry Berry’
Sharon Fruit ‘Fuyu’
Courgette ‘De Nice A Fruit Rond’
Strawberry Honeyoye
Courgette (Organic) Seeds – Golden Zucchini
Cucumber ‘Goblin’ F1 Hybrid
Plum ‘Rivers’s Early Prolific’
Tomato Seeds – Tamina
Chilli Pepper ‘Big Bomb’
Plum ‘Mirabelle Ruby’
Plum ‘Thames Cross’
Plum ‘Mirabelle Golden Sphere’
Raspberry ‘Glen Prosen’ (Summer fruiting)
Blackcurrant ‘Ben Connan’
Pear ‘Winter Nelis’
Photinia x fraseri ‘Scarlet Blaze’
Apple ‘Lord Lambourne’ (MM106 Rootstock)
Cherry ‘Stardust Coveu’
Apple ‘Herefordshire Russet’ (MM106 Rootstock)
Cucumber ‘Bella’
Blackcurrant ‘Big Ben’
Cherry ‘Meteor Korai’
Cherry ‘Penny’
Apple ‘Egremont Russet’
Strawberry ‘Sweet Colossus’
Grape ‘Chardonnay’
Peach ‘Redhaven’
Tomato Seeds – F1 Fantasio
Courgette Butterstick F1
Grape ‘Autumn Royal’
Tomato ‘Moneymaker’
Tomato Seeds – Rosella
Strawberry Sweet Colossus
Strawberry Plants – Korona
Peach ‘Sauzee Bell’
Blueberry ‘Darrow’
Cucumber Seeds – Venlo Pickling (Gherkin)
Gooseberry Giggles Green
Raspberry Fruit Plants – Glen Ample
Pluot Tree – Pink Candy
Chilli Pepper ‘Padron’ (Medium – The Tapas Pepper)
Strawberry Plants – Mara des Bois
Pinkcurrant ‘Gloire de Sablon’
Cornichon Seeds – Vert Petit de Paris
Apple ‘King of the Pippins’
Squash Seeds – Musquee de Provence
Pinkcurrant – Gloire De Sablon
Apple ‘Belle de Boskoop’
Fig Little Miss Figgy
Strawberry ‘Mara des Bois’
Mirabelle Tree – de Nancy
Cucamelon Seeds
Squash ‘Avalon’ F1 Hybrid (Winter)
Gourd ‘Autumn Glory’
Redcurrant ‘Laxton’s Number One’
Clematis Comtesse de Bouchard 1 7cm Pot
Plum ‘Marjorie’s Seedling’
Lavatera trimestris ‘Silver Cup’
Hosta ‘September Sun’