Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Silene x robotii ‘Rollys Favourite’

Flowering freely from spring to autumn, Silene ‘Rolly’s Favourite’ has masses of pretty pink blooms with finely defined petals. This garden variety of Campion has all the grace and free-form of the native wild flower and thrives in sun or dappled shade. It is a good choice for the edge of the patio or border,

Dianthus ‘Diane’

An RHS AGM variety with large, salmon-pink double flowers which emit a strong clove fragrance. Popular for its vigorous habit and easy nature, Dianthus ‘Diane’ forms tidy cushions of slender grey-green leaves, and flowers over a long period in summer. Pinks are fantastic low maintenance perennials which thrive in even the driest soils and ‘Diane’

Dianthus ‘Haytor White’

Dianthus ‘Haytor White’ produces an abundance of double white, fringed flowers over a long period throughout summer. These pure white blooms have a delicious sweet fragrance and make a lovely cut flower for the home. Forming neat cushions of slender grey-green leaves, Pinks are ideal for cottage gardens, rock gardens, sunny banks and difficult dry

Dianthus ‘Joy’

A low-growing evergreen perennial producing lots of soft pink, semi-double blooms from June right through to September. Forming cushions of slender grey-green leaves, Dianthus ‘Joy’ is the perfect plant for rock gardens, patio containers, herbaceous borders, sunny banks and coastal gardens, where it tolerates drought well. Pinks are hardy, low-maintenance additions to the garden, and

Dianthus ‘Mrs Sinkins’

A traditional Pink renowned for its intoxicating fragrance of sweet cloves! Dianthus ‘Mrs Sinkins’ produces a profusion of fringed, double white flowers from early summer, above cushions of slender grey-green leaves. Despite a shorter flowering period than most modern varieties, this lovely Pink is a reliable hardy perennial and a fantastic addition to cottage garden

Dianthus ‘Doris’

This hardy evergreen perennial is a classic and popular Pink, which holds an RHS AGM for its outstanding performance. Throughout summer Dianthus ‘Doris’ produces an abundance of soft pink, double blooms with dark pink markings in the centre and a strong sweet fragrance. Perfect for colourful cottage gardens and cutting, this Dianthus is also incredibly

Vinca major

A fantastic evergreen ground cover plant, Vinca major produces trailing stems clothed in glossy green leaves. From mid-spring through to autumn, pretty star-shaped, blue-lilac flowers decorate the plant on upright stems. Tolerating even heavy shade, Greater Periwinkle is a fantastic ground cover plant beneath trees and shrubs or on steep banks, where it’s vigorous growth

Vinca minor ‘Gertrude Jekyll’

Vinca minor ‘Gertrude Jekyll’ has spreading stems of glossy, evergreen foliage that make a useful, weed-beating ground cover. Flowering relentlessly from spring to autumn, the pure white blooms of this lovely Lesser Periwinkle will brighten even the shadiest position in the garden. Ideal for tricky areas where nothing else will grow, this low-growing, creeping plant

Hellebore ‘Single Clear White’

Hellebores are one of the first flowers to welcome the New Year in the garden, sometimes even flowering in December. Hellebore ‘Single Clear White’ has the most beautiful, white flowers and will enhance your winter garden. Ideal for shady borders, making useful ground cover underneath trees and shrubs. The Christmas Rose has delightfully nodding, cup-shaped flowers which

Hellebore ‘Single Gold Red’

Hellebore ‘Single Gold Red’ is an extra special Hellebore with beautiful two-tone blooms in contrasting shades. The winter flowers of Hellebore are some of the first to appear in the garden, and look good alongside early spring bulbs such as snowdrops. It is known as the Christmas Rose and is perfect for difficult shady borders e.g. beneath trees and

Hellebore ‘Single Pink Spotted’

Hellebores are important for winter colour in the garden, alongside early spring bulbs such as snowdrops and aconites. Blooming extremely early in the year, sometimes even from Christmas, hence the name, The Christmas Rose. Hellebore ‘Single Pink Spotted’ offers blooms with striking spots on each petal, which are cup-shaped and long-lasting. Hellebores are ideal for

Hellebore ‘Single Red’

Christmas Rose plants begin flowering extremely early in the year, sometimes even from Christmas, living up to their name and are ideal for long-lasting winter colour in the garden. Hellebores enjoy a shady border and look good when mixed with snowdrops, aconites and other early spring bulbs. Hellebore ‘Single Red’ offers flowers in crimson-red and are ideal for difficult

Hellebore ‘Single Yellow Spotted’

The Hellebore is perfect for winter colour in the garden. These Christmas Roses start to flower early on in the year, often from Christmas. Ideal for a shady border and perfect for awkward corners, under trees and shrubs, or in large patio pots. Hellebores have eye-catching, colourful and long-lasting flowers. Hellebore ‘Single Single Yellow Spotted’

Thalictrum ‘Black Stockings’

In the summer months, the willowy, tall Thalictrum ‘Black Stockings’ produces black stems topped with fluffy purple flowers. It’s great for filling spaces in woodland gardens and shaded borders. Thalictrum ‘Black Stockings’ mixes beautifully with most border plants and looks especially good with large leaved plants, such as Rodgersia, ferns and hostas. Its delicate foliage

Arum Lily

Architectural and striking, the Arum Lily will add an exotic touch to any garden. It has large, glossy, arrow-shaped leaves which remain semi-evergreen in mild winters. The unusual white, funnel-shaped flowers (spathes) are held on sturdy stems, and appear from May to July. Preferring lots of moisture, Zantedeschia aethiopica is best grown in reliably moist

Eremurus x isabellinus ‘Cleopatra’

A tall, bold plant like this Foxtail Lily is ideal for growing through other perennials and shrubs because of it’s spectacular slender metre-high flower spikes. Eremurus ‘Cleopatra’ will flower during June and July and it’s exotic looks will attract attention and admiring glances from passers-by. Although it looks tropical the Foxtail Lily is hardy and

Helenium ‘Moerheim Beauty’

No one likes a garden in late summer that’s devoid of colour. With its rich copper-coloured flowers, Helenium ‘Moerheim Beauty’ is the variety of choice for many gardeners. There are few better ways of stretching out the colour in your garden well into the autumn. Butterflies and bees love this hardy perennial. Helenium ‘Moerheim Beauty’

Hellebore ‘Single Burgundy’

One of the first flowers to bring in a new year in the garden, the Christmas Rose is perfect for a shady border or beneath trees and shrubs, providing low maintenance ground cover. With charming, nodding, cup-shaped flowers, Hellebore ‘Single Burgundy’ has blooms in a deep, husky shade of red. The Hellebore is perfect for winter colour

Phygelius ‘Pheeges Festive Orange’

Phygelius ‘Pheeges Festive Orange’ is normally a hardy variety in mild parts of the UK despite its South African origins, making it ideal as a patio plant or in a mixed herbaceous border. This magnificent Cape Fuchsia features splendid tubular coral orange blooms upon upright stems from summer through to autumn. Phygelius ‘Pheeges Festive Orange’

Agapanthus ‘Regal Beauty’

Agapanthus ‘Regal Beauty’ has been specially selected for its enormous flower heads, as they are the largest of this variety of African Lily, being almost 30cm (12) in diameter and made up of hundreds of ink-blue small florets. Long lasting, tough and easy to grow, it’s perfect for planting in a mixed perennial border or