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Begonia x tuberhybrida ‘Daffadowndilly’
The daffodil begonia was almost lost to cultivation, but we’ve worked with breeders to bring an old-time classic back to UK gardens. This vintage begonia variety has been re-worked to offer stunning giant daffodil-like blooms in shades of salmon pink for a fresh contemporary look to patio and border displays. The fancy flowers are held above dark green velvety foliage for a unique display in your garden this summer.As with all begonias, ‘Daffadowndilly’ will thrive in shady spots, lifting drab areas of the garden with vibrant colour from mid-summer through to the first hard frosts of winter. The flowers are virtually sterile, meaning the plants just keep piling on new blooms whether you set them in pots, baskets or borders. Save the tubers at the end of the season, replant in spring, and the plants will get bigger and better every year.