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Thompson and Morgan Banana Chinese Yellow – 4 seeds
This pretty and unusual yellow Chinese Dwarf Banana is also known as the golden lotus banana because just before opening the flower resembles a lotus. Once established the banana has exotic leaves followed by a yellow globular flower and mature specimens will produce long-lasting yellow summer flowers. As the flower develops the original plant will start to die but it will produce off shoots and will continue to thrive. In the winter or during a cold snap the foliage will brown off but if the root is kept protected the plant will bounce back and continue to grow as soon as the temperatures rise again. Ideal as an indoor feature in your conservatory or outdoors in a sheltered area. Plant in the sun or partial shade and grow on in warm well lit conditions. During summer it can be stood outside or planted in the border but should be brought into well lit frost-free conditions for the winter when it should be kept moderately dry. Some discolouration of the leaf ends may occur through the winter months but this will not harm the plant. Sow anytime of year after soaking the seeds for 24 hours in lukewarm water. Use a peat based seed compost and sow 6mm deep. After sowing seal the seed container inside a polythene bag in order to keep the compost moist. Germination is slow and erratic and can take 1-6 months at 26.6C. As each seed germinates transfer it to a 7.5cm pot of good free draining compost taking care not to damage the fragile roots. Pot on as required the larger the container the larger the plant will grow.Quantity: 4 seeds